Coaching / Mentoring
People come to me for advice since I know myself as a human being.
When I left the corporates, I wanted to help creatives and young entrepreneurs to craft the best marketing plan for their stories. And to communicate it into the world. I have advised Teatro Munganga, Dauna Kraag, Estrella Acosta, Marcella Wisbrun, Eveline Torres, Cené Hale, Thomas Kok back then. And it hasn’t stopped. I love to share knowledge and find the blind spots where we can magic happen together.
In 2020, I helped Fawaka artists to crack their stories for environmental change, YIM to connect young volunteers to institutions in need during COVID-19 crisis and the Sebrae-RJ Female Entrepreneurship program. I also kept two hours a day to talk to and walk with people hit emotionally by the pandemics.